Thursday, March 2, 2023

The American Whistleblower: An Editorial by Lauren Rollins (Midterm)


Lauren Rollins

Sound the Alarm!

    In our society today, many people are forced to conform to the expectations set by those around them and of higher social standing than them. Regardless of these social “standards” it shouldn’t mean that we, the general public, should have to sit back idly and silently watch the indefinite wrongdoings of our counterparts, whether it be a coworker, a parent, or even our own bosses, without uttering a word to anyone in fear of the repercussions.

    The same principle applies to issues concerning our nation’s government because everyone, even a citizen with no government standing, deserves to know the truth, especially about things concerning our government, which affects and controls our everyday lives and safety. Unfortunately, there are very few people who are willing to speak up. No matter how many good and value-holding people there are working within the four walls of our government, there will always be a fear to speak out because of the risks of prosecution and the possible destruction of one’s reputation and entire career if they were to publicize the immoral inner workings of the United States government.

With high respect to that, I am grateful for all our nation's whistleblowers, past, present, and future for helping to remove the barrier between the government and the people they govern. Whistleblowers are typically people who work within the government in some shape or form, who use anonymity to spread confidential government information to outside sources who then take that information and inform the general public. These brave people put themselves and their careers at risk in order to make sure that the public knows the truth about the wrongdoings of our government officials, as we deserve. The government tries to uncover the identities of these individuals so that they can punish them to the fullest extent possible for exposing government secrets. This is something that I don’t think is fair or right morally and this is because if our government was honest with us about everything that goes on behind the doors of those government buildings and within every meeting that we have then perhaps we would all be more trusting and have more faith in our government.

    We the people should not have to live in fear because we don't know what's going on in our own country. So I pay my highest respect to all whistleblowers and I believe that if a whistleblower exposes government information that exposes a government official’s unacceptable, unconstitutional, or prejudiced behavior then I believe they should be protected by the law. The government works so hard to hide things from the public and make our biggest issues seem like ones that should be swept under the rug. But who on earth wants to be in the dark about things that affect all of us? I believe that as more whistleblowers come out and expose the wrongdoings and inner workings of the government, the more transparent our nation's government will be forced to be with us, the citizens.

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